Sunday 24 September 2017

Little Miss spider Muffet
Little, hairy, spider muffet sat on a old rock  in the weary woods, eating his fruit flies away in this well nited web basket holding them still. Than all of a sudden a dim-witted, red haired human with her blue jeans and bold t-shirt came into the spider’s territory. Her face cringed up and crying away at the sight of miss spider /muffet on the rock. She ran off giving spider muffet a grin.

Later that day she strolled to the old rock with a grin the spider was unconcerned with no care in the world, slowly looked at her and gave her a big hisses. soon enough she broke, her braveness broke like a sledge hammer hitting a watermelon BOOM. She ran waving her arms around zig zagging around like  a headless chicken.  

The spider crawled back into a dark, spooky crevice in the rock for some people it might look like a little crack in the rock but for the spider it is the perfect ambush spot for delicious fly.

After the spider had a feasted on the flies he hird a crunched
from the outside he lept out of his crevice and saw it was coming from down the trail. He crawled up a tree near his rock and waited like a cat hunting a bird.

Then after the girl approached the woods the next day on her shirt said a name tag saying accomplished her fear of spiders she confidently marched up to the spider and all of a sudden it wasn't there on the rock … “SCSC SCSC” the spider came down like a skydiver hanging from a old oak tree on a silky thread. But she just her turned her head around not scared . . . The spider was scared now that she might kill him in revenge.

But instead she plonked a glass gar right on top of the spider like a caged animal in a zoo. The spider leapt at the glass trying to break free, after getting exhausted the spider's eyes changed from dark as night eyes with no remorse but now its shimmering.

The little girl lifted up the jar for a second the spider was free and looked up at the girl with relief, leaped  around in circles gleefully the girl smiled back at the hairy being.
...WHAP the spider died...  then little red haired girl won!
By Mack and Flynn

Image result for little miss muffet spiderImage result for little miss muffet spiderImage result for little miss muffet spiderImage result for little miss muffet spider

Thursday 7 September 2017


Character description

My small, giraffe necked, sweet sister (Harper). The devil. Harper has long blonde hair, big eyed, noodle armed, nice girl but is actually EVIL!! Inside her head, she gives people mean names, not smart and has no feelings except her own and her stuffed dog toys. Her big brown eyes as big as a bear but is super evil. Even though she annoyingly painful but she is an okay sister.

Sunday 3 September 2017


The crew were scared

  1. The storm was hitting in the crew were scared to death and the captain probably peed himself whimpering trying to avoid the violent sea.
  2. The crew was headed into the eye of the storm and the crew was crying, flailing their arms around and running everywhere like headless chooks. (BEST)    
  3. The ship headed into the eye of the storm and the crew wishing they went to the work at subway instead of a pirate.
  4. The crew were headed into the gloomy

The boy held out some food. The dragon ate it. He was green and had horns.
The south green dragon of the north came to the old, worn, out castle, the dragon reached out its mouth grasping a bit of meat then chewing loudly.

The rider held on. His bike was going quickly over the ground. It was really dusty. He felt excited and scared.

The rider grasped held on the bike handles. His bike was going speedy quick over the dusty ground. It was really dusty like under my bed. He felt excited and was trembling behind this helmet.

speech - Kids should know how to swim

How can you walk around normally knowing people drown less than every few days or even hours? AND WE ARE ON AN ISLAND SURROUNDED BY WATER and we’re drowning still. This problem should have been solved AGES AGO and this is so easy to solve! Would you like more people to drown?

Did you know that 47 people drowned in NZ 2017 to July 21, and were on an island for god's sake we're drowning because it's too much to support pools and lessons and yet we’re surrounded by WATER!!!! IT’S AN ISLAND And the government can easily solve it! For around $500 can help a pool’s safeness for quite a bit and possibly save so many lives in the future.

NZ school pools a disappearing of the face of NZ because of money. We’ve lost 156 school pools and there's only 130 left in NZ. The government says no to giving a few dollars every few weeks to NZ schools. This is a problem we need to address to the government of NZ to get our school pools back.

Did you know 7 out of ten of NZ young kids can't swim to save their lives in 2012 (sadly) and that's just concerning because if there's a flood or worse they only have a small chance of making it.

Some can’t even afford to do the swim lessons because it's too expensive or there's no pool nearby and that makes me mad.

Kids should be given a free chance to swim. So we can make a safer future with fewer losses and more markopolo!

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Viking girl - show don't tell

Viking girl Say - Looks - Actions       
On the day before christmas this was the WORST to a girl named abby.She  was a young girl who disliked christmas she thought it was dullest and dumbest she would rather read encyclopedias for a week. She sticks her tongue out at the Santas in the mall. SO she looks around in stores to find ideas for a REPLACEMENT for christmas like pony birthday or CAKE WEEK… 3 hours later she gets home on christmas eve in a viking costume and says “NO MORE DUMB CHRISTMAS” at the top of lungs. She screamed so loud it echoed throughout the street. Her mum comes to the doorway and says to her daughter “what are doing” she says, the girl says with her arms crossed  saying “we're Celebrating VIKING DAY”… there was a pause…  “ honey I know you hate christmas but give it a try” mum says she thinks… deeply “FINE but I better get the pretty unicorn rocking horse!!! If not I will draw on all of our walls”  and shuts her bedroom door. The next day she ran towards the once hated christmas tree and ripped the wrapping paper and opened her present... She got what she wanted. A UNICORN ROCKING HORSE! She now enjoys the viking day, uh I mean CHRISTMAS But STILL would rather call it viking day.

By Mack


Wednesday 31 May 2017

100 word story

Success criteria
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths   
100 word story using these words WIDE   ORANGE   CROCODILE   WITHIN   COLLAPSED

One day 2 brave men set out to find what lurked within the streams of the Amazon. The collapsed trees and wide plains all in the deadly Amazon. While calmly going into a giant stream. They noticed some of the algae and plastic bottles which made them disgusted. so they clambered out of their bulky boat and quickly hopped into cleaning up this disgraceful trash. While they collected the trash in the distance was a rare species of a orange crocodile. It lurked out of the water looking where the voices could be coming from. It swam towards the men and it's loud grunting made them jump and they sprinted away.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

selfie writing

Success criteria
Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths   

In NZ there was a boy named Mackade Brown every dark night he would sneak street to street on top of the unsuspecting busses. Then once he got to a isolated area he would DOODLE! He would bring a big bag and open it and have SPRAY PAINT AND DOODLE it was never possible to guess the madness he would paint on those walls. There was color after color would never stop there even doing wacky painting and goofy art. After this weird hobby got the attention of cops when they got call by a resident of a local dairy owner complaining about his wall got covered in very weird, wacky drawings including animals, war disney, etc and all things that were Mack knew in his head. So thats why this poster is a thing and soon I will draw ALL over this! (can't wait to!)

In America there was a young mischievous, cheeky boy who goes to do what he always does and what he does to have fun but on the way down to search for fun he was like a blood hound chasing its prey. But on his way to a local fair he overhears people talking down a dark alleyway the shady figures talking about ruining the fair by shooting down a big balloon which will fall and inside is a LOT of fireworks it will fall down on the unsuspecting citizens. Hey guys that kid mighta heard something says one of the 3 shadey punks. Creeping slowly towards the boy in a split second he released...RUN he rushed down the street trying to lose the punks. Eventually when he made distinct ahead he blended into the crowd with his head down and hoodie up. Eventually I head down to the police department and soon enough they soon enough caught the baddies spotted them while they were midway aiming at the bright balloon and when he rushed to a circus IT WAS CLOSEDthe local park.CLOSED the zooCLOSED. For a moment he got frustrated but calmed down after releasing he DID have fun with the bad guys. He also was happy and still filled with adrenaline.

100 word story

Success criteria                             I couldn't eat something so
Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths   
I walked into the kitchen to sniff out the secret stash of food that my sister stole carefully making sure she can't see me. I look around and I notice there's a slight gap between the wall and the fridge. I just couldn't eat something so old. There was old food pile slowing rotting away. I find Harper,  my sister and say WHAT ARE YOU EATING, is there something wrong with it or is it you?
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT Harper screamed at me. I showed her the nasty stash and she eats it I  i immediately throw up on the spot.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Sunday 2 April 2017

I am mack because I enjoy doing some sport

My learning style is a bit different then others but i like to be in groups with my friends not to chat but to get advice and some help if i’m stuck on a hard sheet if work, also i’d give them advice back. I like a wee bit of chat but just whispers. I will be prepared to sit and work anywhere but preferably i would choose a desk. I LOVE using computers to work and to get facts to prove what i’m writing about is true. I dislike sitting by myself. I personally like working in partners but only on some subjects like for E.X i would work with someone for acts about olympics and aquatic,life etc. for my last item on this list it is me finishing what i’ve started like art and i try my best! I like when the lights are off not so it's like now! And i dislike brain food because people get crumbs EVERYWHERE and the poor cleaner has to clean it all.

I Am a dung beetle, other think of me as a lower class bug hugging food but to me I see me as a small bug in a LARGE world with giants i have a GIANT stash of food!(smelly food Giants call it “poop whatever that means.) I get attacked by other bugs but i am a world champion at rolling on a sherere of food I am so fast when they try to eat me they eat my dust!! It is still quite scary seeing giants watching me spraying me with poison. Well the point is, being a bug is harder than it looks it is risky and deadly. By any chance you find my secret stash of delectable food don't tell ANYONE!!!


                DUNG BEETLE    
Dung Beetle
aka: dung people or poop hunters
Kingdom: Animalia (All animals)
Phylum: Arthropoda (Invertebrates)
Class: Insecta (Insects)
Order: Coleoptera Beetle
They eat dung lots and lots of dung in the shape of a ball!
Dung beetles are found worldwide, on every continent except Antarctica because it is too cold for them! . They live in habitats that range from desert to forest.
Last seen
Hugging some dung in africa
A dung beetle have tough exoskeletons. THEY like dung. Their feet have tiny hooks to hook on to sketchy places so they can stay still and don't fall off anything mainly dung.. A dung beetle can bury dung 250 times heavier than itself. take that ant with your x10 lifting!
Helpful habits
They Can help use unwanted dung And roll it away or just eat it up where it stands.
By Mack