Sunday 3 September 2017


The crew were scared

  1. The storm was hitting in the crew were scared to death and the captain probably peed himself whimpering trying to avoid the violent sea.
  2. The crew was headed into the eye of the storm and the crew was crying, flailing their arms around and running everywhere like headless chooks. (BEST)    
  3. The ship headed into the eye of the storm and the crew wishing they went to the work at subway instead of a pirate.
  4. The crew were headed into the gloomy

The boy held out some food. The dragon ate it. He was green and had horns.
The south green dragon of the north came to the old, worn, out castle, the dragon reached out its mouth grasping a bit of meat then chewing loudly.

The rider held on. His bike was going quickly over the ground. It was really dusty. He felt excited and scared.

The rider grasped held on the bike handles. His bike was going speedy quick over the dusty ground. It was really dusty like under my bed. He felt excited and was trembling behind this helmet.

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