Tuesday 2 August 2016

reading review

In class we had to do a reading review so I have chosen the book "The best tropical beach resort" it starts of with a boy named Andy about 12 years old and he decided to make a tropical beach resort in his house.

He starts getting 3 cubic meters of sand, he  has a babysitter while his parents are over seas his babysitter is ignoring him so he doesn't get told off or trying to stop him so he does. Then he adds palm trees and small plants that you would see in Hawaii.

He keeps on adding on stuff like hula dancers, pool and more tropical equipment. He makes his home holiday and owes 5 million too workers. I recommend ages 5-10!


  1. Thanks for sharing this with me Mack. I like that you added an age recommendation.

  2. Thanks for sharing this with me Mack. I like that you added an age recommendation.
