Wednesday 3 August 2016


Hi for my own task I have chosen to facts about random stuff! Enjoy! (I didn't search up these by the way.)

1. Did you know that there is 4 different states of matter not 3! There's solids,liquid,gas AND plasma and plasma is 99% of our galaxy also plasma is lightning!

2. The longest word in English is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis which is a lung disease.

3. Modern Olympics has been going on 1020 years! and had 27 sports.

4. The first toy ever made was in 1767 an it was a jigsaw.

5. The charter "joker" the super villain changed 3 time during the bronze,silver and gold ages. (If you don't know bronze, silver and gold are age like gold is 1800's etc.) Gold he was murderous in the silver he was a jokerster bronze he is just a psychopath. 

6. The first internet meme is was the hamster dance! IT IS SO ANNOYING 

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