Tuesday 31 May 2016

Ted and Fred and Bob
Ted was a cave man in the stone age he was walking with a live dinosaurs. He played with his friends playing a game called bashy bashy. You had to get a big club and smash it on the enemy team there blue and red ,blue get 5 players, 7 for red. On a dreadful day a meteor came down and landed and scared the friends away to a cave.  Ted felt sad because he wasn't there at the time he was all lonely by himself. He was bored so he went for a stroll to the jungle then “ROAR” said the t-rex ted started running he tripped up then a ankylosaurs came and wacked the t-rex in the jaw he was hurt so he ran off. Then the ankylosaurs walked up to Ted then he licked him Ted said “YUCK, I wish I was eaten” ankylosaurs snorted then Ted named him Fred the ankylosaurs Fred yelled then a brachiosaurus came he saw the hole thing and he was friends with Fred he could tell so he named the brachiosaurus Bob. Ted climbed up Bobs long neck till he got to the top they walked to Ted’s place. For the night in the morning everyone woke up so they had breakfast so the guests had a stack of 20 of leaves and Ted had rocks and sand and some ham. Then his friends ran out of the cave and sprinted to Ted they screamed for 1 minute because of the dinos after Ted introduced Bob and Fred. The friends climbed up Bob and they could see 5 miles easily from the top of the huge creature they knocked on Fred’s hard shell like armour the friends fed the dinos with grass and leave stew. Then the boys built a nest like beds for the dino's they had a nap while the boys looked at the starry night sky and gazed if the were going to heaven on minute later they all fell a sleep on a doggy pile. In the mOrning both Fred and Bob like there life then the mum of Bob came and got both dino’s home.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Mack - 8 comments! You have had a good level of response to your story. What will you write now to encourage your readers to keep returning to your blog?
    Mr Corlett
