Tuesday 3 May 2016

being bugs
story being a ant.
I was an ant I lived in a pohutukawa tree my favourite because it's cozy and the flowers are fluffy so you can hide! One day I went to the supermarket (which is the dump…) I was on my way then a leaf dropped from above I scuttled and ran then I was dark I could see… I tried a bite it was tasty I took my small face became a lawn mower. When there was enough gone I walked through and kept walking. I saw a banana peel um ran to it but then after I was about shove my face into heaven and I was stopped by a queen ant. She snapped at me and I was surprised that a queen would need a banana then I refused to riplie so I found a small tomato an rolled it home with the moving company they didn't cost much only a bit of tomato skin. eventually I got home and it was winter ugh so cold I slept in the tomato for warmth then a queen came nearly frozen saying “caaaaaan I come inn” “NOPE” I riplie “you stole my banana” she remembered me and said “oh” then I throw pieces of dry dirt and hit her in the face then she found a nearby ant hole and orders them to attack me I hear small marching then I was stuck. the march near my house on the edge of the thick branch then they charged then I push the tomato and it splits in half and it hits the enemies forcing them back. I go back to my half and going to sleep in my tomato.

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