Tuesday 3 May 2016


Once there were an alien race living alongside humans. On one day scientists did tests,scans and examinations. but one person went too far and decided to extract blood for DNA samples. When they did that idea the aliens thought they were killing them so 99% of the alien race declared war the death and strife began. After the war, blood was on the streets still but one CIA guy found the one nice alien and sent up into space the one of their abandoned spacecraft and reproduced the population with eggs. Dotted here and there around the prison but over time people forgot about the alien after 1 week it was rediscovered by a squad of astronauts. They found scars and dets on the anject items most of all the astronauts left except Joe Scyther because he was curious and eager to look around. He found a egg and looked and scanned at the egg so then he headed back to earth. As he thought how rich he would be if that egg was real! The next day the egg hatched before Joe came but when he arrived he saw the cracked shell knocked over and this showed proof that there is a life force then he did a little dance and turned around and saw Obliterator (the nice alien) and passed out. When woke up he laid on the hard ground and rags that Obliterator probably set up then. Joe saw the good in the beast and went to earth and came back with chickens,corn and and a fordable coop placed the coop and one egg surprisingly appeared and a old rusty cooking set and made poached eggs Obliteratior was hungry and ate extremely quick then the BABY alien came and sat on Joe's lap who was sitting down from the weight of chickens and curled up. He smiled at Obliterator. He got up and left came with water for ages then went back to earth and became the 3rd richest man on earth. He decided to live with the aliens and went back for occasional supplies and dusted the windows,anject objects,air filters and such. Recoloured the ugly parts and made it tidy. Then the Alien race repopulated and named the species Schetherests (named after Joe.) People let the population grow and grow and Joe was put in history and with Obliterator the whole race knew what happened because Obliterator communicated with his child and his child passed it. It has been 2 years together and the schetherest race has came to understanding human astronauts and did not shout at people their minds were strong so Joe made a book of them categories such as attacks, defenses, speed and more. he sold his books too so people would know what their species like then brought people came in his rockets and came international. Soon after he made attachments to the ship like museum with artefacts and gym to see the beasts agility and reflects. Joe went back to earth and stumbled op the old lab which they tried the blood sample he came across one of the computer systems and started it up and it worked! And saw some results and opened computer files and found out that there blood was some how chemically acid! he came back up with some files he stole and read and read. Then he knew how to make him and obliteratior bond bigger to attack for him and the trust was high already but he wanted more. He lots did is knowlegde about the species and tought Obliterater to do commands. One day he trained over 240 scthetherests and went mad with power and bought space carriers and put the scthethersts and striked New York and with ravening beasts which killed lots and towers fell and blood and strife Obliteratior was devastated and communicated with them and told them stop it and then after 10 minutes the whole species turned ageist Joe. Sadly Joe was killed him Obliteratior became king and lead the aliens. Obliteratior remembered how to start up the space carriers from Joe and launched back to there organal home.

1 comment:

  1. It is a very interesting story.Remember to start your story with a capital.I really liked the story.
