Tuesday 31 May 2016

Ted and Fred and Bob
Ted was a cave man in the stone age he was walking with a live dinosaurs. He played with his friends playing a game called bashy bashy. You had to get a big club and smash it on the enemy team there blue and red ,blue get 5 players, 7 for red. On a dreadful day a meteor came down and landed and scared the friends away to a cave.  Ted felt sad because he wasn't there at the time he was all lonely by himself. He was bored so he went for a stroll to the jungle then “ROAR” said the t-rex ted started running he tripped up then a ankylosaurs came and wacked the t-rex in the jaw he was hurt so he ran off. Then the ankylosaurs walked up to Ted then he licked him Ted said “YUCK, I wish I was eaten” ankylosaurs snorted then Ted named him Fred the ankylosaurs Fred yelled then a brachiosaurus came he saw the hole thing and he was friends with Fred he could tell so he named the brachiosaurus Bob. Ted climbed up Bobs long neck till he got to the top they walked to Ted’s place. For the night in the morning everyone woke up so they had breakfast so the guests had a stack of 20 of leaves and Ted had rocks and sand and some ham. Then his friends ran out of the cave and sprinted to Ted they screamed for 1 minute because of the dinos after Ted introduced Bob and Fred. The friends climbed up Bob and they could see 5 miles easily from the top of the huge creature they knocked on Fred’s hard shell like armour the friends fed the dinos with grass and leave stew. Then the boys built a nest like beds for the dino's they had a nap while the boys looked at the starry night sky and gazed if the were going to heaven on minute later they all fell a sleep on a doggy pile. In the mOrning both Fred and Bob like there life then the mum of Bob came and got both dino’s home.

Today I learnt about clouds

Today I learnt 2 things about clouds okay he we go a cloud is visible mass of condensed watery vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the general level of the ground. When warm air rises, it expands and cools. Cool air can't hold as much water vapor as warm air, so some of the vapor condenses onto tiny pieces of dust that are floating in the air and forms a tiny droplet around each dust particle. When billions of these droplets come together they become a visible cloud.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Thursday 19 May 2016

Today I learnt about The 40 Hour Famine has always been about living in someone else’s shoes and this year is no different. This year, funds raised will support refugee children. Children like 8-year-old Hani whose life has been forever changed by the conflict in Syria.More than five million children are impacted by what is the “biggest humanitarian crisis of our time,” that is more than the entire population ofNew Zealand. You can play your part to create change for some of the world's most vulnerable children.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Today I learnt

Today I learnt that forked lighting appears as jagged lines of light. They can have several branches. Forked lightning can be seen shooting from the clouds to the ground, from one cloud to another cloud, or from a cloud out into the air. This lightning can strike up to 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. another cloud, or from a cloud out into the air. This lightning can strike up to 10 miles away from a thunderstorm.

Today I learnt

Today I learnt that lightning is formed by Heavier, negatively charged particles sink to the bottom of the cloud. When the positive and negative charges grow large enough, a giant spark lightning occurs between the two charges within the cloud. This is like a static electricity sparks you see, but much bigger.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Environmental beauty 

Alive fun

Recycling helps

Tell a friend to clean up

Help out!

Thursday 12 May 2016


r r b q t d e f e a t i s m c 
s a b k o e k d p c t u u t h 
m k e m f f q k f e o a u s a 
y e s u o i c a n i t r e p i 
j u i d a n z a c d q a u f x 
l s g t e i n a k u w c q p o 
a w h x f t c v o t h s r r o 
k q b z r i a i o y z z l x i 
o f h y p v s r r q n x u p l 
b y k s f e f f d e q u w f d 
d n r j k i f t b y m d a e o 
o e a k i a l w y k h r a l r 
p l r l d q h d p a c e u c x 
m s h g d e x s b n u o d t g 
b c g w t y a m w s v e u d c 


Tuesday 10 May 2016

Today I learnt astronomy part 2/3/4!

    Today I learnt that If the moon passes through the edge of Earth's shadow, it's called a partial eclipse. Passage through the dense centre of the shadow is a total lunar eclipse. A sequence of four total lunar eclipses including no partial eclipses is called a tetrad.For mercy a year is 88 human days!Also that Mercury circles the Sun in only 88 days, compared to 365 days for Earth, at at an average speed of 105,947 miles (170,505 kilometers) per hour. This is faster than any other planet in the Solar System.

Today I learnt astronomy edition

Today I learnt... that Mercury has now crossed the entire face of the sun and brought to a close the 2016 transit of the smallest planet in the solar system. The images astronomers have taken today have been truly breathtaking. To see more got these sites https://www.theguardian.com/science/live/2016/may/09/transit-of-mercury-2016-follow-todays-celestial-event-live or http://eclipsewise.com/oh/tm2016.html

Sunday 8 May 2016

Walking down the beach                

Awesome sights                                  

In communities                                                          

Kapiti Island 

Amazing people

Native bush walks


Exquisite food

Thursday 5 May 2016

today I learnt that you blog viewers are awesome and that snow leopards can jump 5 meters and that they can sitstain high altitudes so they can go up the mountains with ease.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Animal facts

Rattle snake

Rattlesnakes’ favorite foods are small rodents and lizards. They lie in wait until a victim comes along, and then strike at speeds of five-tenths of a second, according to the San Diego Zoo. Their venom paralyzes the prey, which they then swallow whole. Timber rattlesnakes wait until the prey is dead before swallowing it. The digestive process can take several days, and rattlesnakes become sluggish and hide during this time. Adult rattlers eat about every two weeks. Males may engage in combat. Mothers can store sperm for months before fertilizing the eggs, and then they carry babies for about three months. They only give birth every two years, usually to about 10 baby rattlers. Mothers don’t spend any time with their offspring, slithering off as soon as they are born. And there lifespan is about 10-25 years!


There's about 270 types of hawks and hawks vary in size depending on the species. Smallest hawk (American Kestrel) weighs only 4 ounces. Largest hawk (Ferruginous Hawk) weighs up to 5 pounds. Females are larger than males. Large species of hawks (such as Rough-legged Hawk) reach the length of 22 inches, with wingspan of 55 inches. Hawks are characterized by sharp talons, large, curved bill and muscular legs. Sharp bill is used for biting and tearing the prey. Hawks have excellent eyesight. They can see 8 times better than humans. Eyesight is primarily used for hunting. Hawk can locate its prey from a distance of 100 feet. Unlike many animals, hawks are able to see different colors. During the hunt, hawks can dive 150 miles per hour through the air. They are able to catch a prey both in the air and on the ground. Hawks are diurnal animals (they are active during the day).Hawks are opportunistic feeders. That mean that they hunt and eat whatever is available. Mostly, they hunt frogs, insects, squirrels, rats, snakes, rabbits and smaller birds. Certain species of hawks belong to group of migratory birds. They are able to travel more than thousand miles each year from the nesting to the feeding areas when temperature drops down. Depending on the species and geographic location, hawks mate at different time in the year. Mating season for most hawks takes place at the end of winter or early in the spring. Hawks are monogamous animals (one couple mate for a lifetime). In the case that one partner dies, another will find another mating partner. Hawks lifespan is normally 10-15 year but in captivity.

Yesterday I learnt edition

Yesterday I learnt what a argo float which is pretty much a thermometer for aritic ocean to the southern ocean. They cost 40k! In 2014 there was over 3000 of them floating!

Tuesday 3 May 2016


Once there were an alien race living alongside humans. On one day scientists did tests,scans and examinations. but one person went too far and decided to extract blood for DNA samples. When they did that idea the aliens thought they were killing them so 99% of the alien race declared war the death and strife began. After the war, blood was on the streets still but one CIA guy found the one nice alien and sent up into space the one of their abandoned spacecraft and reproduced the population with eggs. Dotted here and there around the prison but over time people forgot about the alien after 1 week it was rediscovered by a squad of astronauts. They found scars and dets on the anject items most of all the astronauts left except Joe Scyther because he was curious and eager to look around. He found a egg and looked and scanned at the egg so then he headed back to earth. As he thought how rich he would be if that egg was real! The next day the egg hatched before Joe came but when he arrived he saw the cracked shell knocked over and this showed proof that there is a life force then he did a little dance and turned around and saw Obliterator (the nice alien) and passed out. When woke up he laid on the hard ground and rags that Obliterator probably set up then. Joe saw the good in the beast and went to earth and came back with chickens,corn and and a fordable coop placed the coop and one egg surprisingly appeared and a old rusty cooking set and made poached eggs Obliteratior was hungry and ate extremely quick then the BABY alien came and sat on Joe's lap who was sitting down from the weight of chickens and curled up. He smiled at Obliterator. He got up and left came with water for ages then went back to earth and became the 3rd richest man on earth. He decided to live with the aliens and went back for occasional supplies and dusted the windows,anject objects,air filters and such. Recoloured the ugly parts and made it tidy. Then the Alien race repopulated and named the species Schetherests (named after Joe.) People let the population grow and grow and Joe was put in history and with Obliterator the whole race knew what happened because Obliterator communicated with his child and his child passed it. It has been 2 years together and the schetherest race has came to understanding human astronauts and did not shout at people their minds were strong so Joe made a book of them categories such as attacks, defenses, speed and more. he sold his books too so people would know what their species like then brought people came in his rockets and came international. Soon after he made attachments to the ship like museum with artefacts and gym to see the beasts agility and reflects. Joe went back to earth and stumbled op the old lab which they tried the blood sample he came across one of the computer systems and started it up and it worked! And saw some results and opened computer files and found out that there blood was some how chemically acid! he came back up with some files he stole and read and read. Then he knew how to make him and obliteratior bond bigger to attack for him and the trust was high already but he wanted more. He lots did is knowlegde about the species and tought Obliterater to do commands. One day he trained over 240 scthetherests and went mad with power and bought space carriers and put the scthethersts and striked New York and with ravening beasts which killed lots and towers fell and blood and strife Obliteratior was devastated and communicated with them and told them stop it and then after 10 minutes the whole species turned ageist Joe. Sadly Joe was killed him Obliteratior became king and lead the aliens. Obliteratior remembered how to start up the space carriers from Joe and launched back to there organal home.
being bugs
story being a ant.
I was an ant I lived in a pohutukawa tree my favourite because it's cozy and the flowers are fluffy so you can hide! One day I went to the supermarket (which is the dump…) I was on my way then a leaf dropped from above I scuttled and ran then I was dark I could see… I tried a bite it was tasty I took my small face became a lawn mower. When there was enough gone I walked through and kept walking. I saw a banana peel um ran to it but then after I was about shove my face into heaven and I was stopped by a queen ant. She snapped at me and I was surprised that a queen would need a banana then I refused to riplie so I found a small tomato an rolled it home with the moving company they didn't cost much only a bit of tomato skin. eventually I got home and it was winter ugh so cold I slept in the tomato for warmth then a queen came nearly frozen saying “caaaaaan I come inn” “NOPE” I riplie “you stole my banana” she remembered me and said “oh” then I throw pieces of dry dirt and hit her in the face then she found a nearby ant hole and orders them to attack me I hear small marching then I was stuck. the march near my house on the edge of the thick branch then they charged then I push the tomato and it splits in half and it hits the enemies forcing them back. I go back to my half and going to sleep in my tomato.

SPELLING! find them all!

p d n f f u q w c w i z a r d r y m o t 
v h z f m d l i o b w u r b a b u f e k 
t t o m d a o k n t k i t y h f k c f g 
i l f t b v r r s h k e n d e e h a k i 
f p r o o p o y t l w c k d y n t h i z 
v i m c l s e e r p k e y g o p i g v e 
r t l k r y y n u j a h s l r y b e e d 
k d w r a u n n c u o r o w r o n d a v 
d q k q m w p r t s k g a m p o p u s e 
f e w w q z g d i h y w l c m h k j s g 
i c c f i s j h o s e a w f h m l d a i 
j e u n h e b n n u m s m t y n j s u l 
r y s k a g g h s r n t i w i d i d l z 
d j q e w v n f o k i i u s r n z d t k 
q p d v z b d n p f a n l l c y y u m u 
z k t x x y b a l f t e w s k q k l h e 
w j x j c a m n v f n y e h s s j t b t 
e c n e d i f n o c u f o v a t g h o w 
v v f e n n i o e f o m p c o e p d s f 
h u q y t v q x g b m w w w g l r u o r 


TODAY I learnt ...

Today I learnt that when small shapes go together to make bigger shapes is called Pinetomes I think its called but its called and check out this site! lhttp://www.mathsphere.co.uk/fun/pents/pents.html


In a house a boy called Tim was alone in his bed, his parents were not home because it was there 7th anniversary and had gone out. It was 8:00 pm, he was afraid of the dark so he brought is flash light with him to bed as he usually would then slowly shutting his eyes.BASH BANG...SLAM as something broke through the door then slamming it and heard a sound like a plank of wood hitting the ground. then creaking sound of something stepping on the wooden floor. with fear Tim sat up flashing and saw nothing. Then suddenly he felt a ruff hand touched his back he spring up and flashed and saw one of his metal animal gang and saw Freddy his toy Freddy he was made out of metal and with metal teeth then before noticing the toy he slapped it of over the side. Freddy landed next to the gang Bonnie the bunny,Chica the chicken, Foxy the fox and Freddy.Tim got up and opened his closet to find some flash light batteries for back up then saw Freddy huge and his hand above his head Tim screamed running back flashing then Bonnie was grabbing the flash light and Chica closed the doors with werny smile and foxy jumped at him with his robotic jaw open charging in the air "HAAAHAHAHAHAAHAHA" screamed Tim somehow saw his body getting ripped too shreds and then jumped and stood there in mid hear and walked in the air and then flow and then his scared face smiled and then slapped him self "OW" replied and then closed his eyes and thought of a cannon then a cannon appeared and he swooped down and shot it at Freddy blasting through the door and then wished up a bumber car and ramed Chica and sent her flying.  Then got two big fire works and let go and they exploded on bonnie and Freddy destroying them. then the next morning at 6:00am the parents walked into his room and put up his gang onto his lap as Tim slept...


Today I learnt that In sudoko's that in a square you can only use the same numbers 1 in a square and most importantly about sudokos that its fun... sometimes.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Flying colorful chaos

This a world beautiful place
Going at our on pace
Fluid flowing down the streams
Kids playing around with screams
Things flying above, looking around
never gonna look down
colours flying in the sky
zooming by