Sunday 9 October 2016

10.10.16                        School Holidays

This is a story about what we did during holidays and no I didn't go anywhere and no I didn't travel and it was the best thing ever. Okay you got me that wasn't the truth it really was average.

Okay day 1, Our family went for a walk to the beach and when we strolled back I saw,heard a cat getting hit by a car, Don't worry it didn’t go under the wheel just skimmed it… My  Mum quickly picked up the cat with her jacket of the road and placed  her on the neighbours front yard and got the SPCA to came take her. I felt TERRIBLE for the cat because it had gotten lots of pressure behind its eye before so it lost its ability to see with 1 eye that's why it got hit in the first place. Day 6 we visited my grandad it was okay. Day 10 (I pretty sure anyway) My older sister Brenna had her baby named Ardena. Day 11 My mums Friends stays the night for the rest of the holidays. Day 12 see Ardena. That was most of my holidays!!

Thats what happened during the holidays, now I will rate each day out of ten!
Day 1-3  3/10          Day 4-7  5/10           Day 8-11  7/10             Day 12-14  6.5/10!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I fell sad for the cat aswell maybe next time make sure it makes sense good story Mack.
