Wednesday 7 September 2016


It's hard to know what a computer will do when you plug it in during a thunderstorm, so I wondered what would happen (as I was sitting on my bed daydreaming.) BOOM,all of a sudden a thunder struck a few blocks away apparently and it turns out it hit rob's house (my enemy!)

Then I saw my chance and pluged in my brothers computer just in case! BOOM,BOOM,Boom Evenutally it hit a power line causing sparks to fly! ZAP in seconds the computer was roasted. Well then I thought that was anti-climatic, I hoped it would turn into a transformer or something. What would my brother say?!?!

At the split second guess who walked in? My brother and he wasnt happy, he gave me the death stare...Whelp in the end I had to give him MY computer! NO FAIR!

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