Tuesday 21 June 2016

Whareoa Farm

Whareoa Farm Recount

On the 17th, room 18 and 6 drove down by bus to Whareoa Farm for our science topic (water.) I sat next to Ivan we chatted all the way there. When we got there we got in groups I was with Ivan,Jackson,Josh, Stase,Nathan and Luc (go check there blog for there side of the story below). Our group was B we had to see how healthy the catchment is. we had half a container and a bug chart.

We got instructions to catch bugs in the catchment and on the chart it tells how certain bugs are good and whats bad for the catchment using numbers 4 is the best and 1 is the worst. Me and Ivan only caught Mayflies which was a 4 because its the only thing we caught! They look like mini beetles mixed with a fly. Then we changed subject and walked up a hill and learnt about camp Mackay. Camp Mackay had over 4,650 NZ people! It is more than 82 years and a half years old and nearly 5,000 US Marines. After the we ate and played around, then we switched to Orienteering. We  had to find  numbers on peaces of wood sticking out of the ground and they had to find numbers and on every number there was a letter so its harder to cheat by guessing. I was with Ivan Jackson a and Luc we found the first 3 easy (easy enough anyway) then it got harder and harder. At  one stage we couldn't find any but it we finished really fast well that's what it felt like it anyway. Then we explored the forestry area.

We followed the path but then we got told to walk in through the catchment then we got out and learnt about fungi. Then we saw a dead cat some people got scared for life. Then we went back to the bus.

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