Thursday 30 June 2016


Recount of swimming
On Tuesday of the 7th/5/16 we went by bus we drove with room 18. We went at 11 am and on the bus I sat next to Ivan we chatted all the way there. When we got there me and Ivan got of the bus and hi fived the bus driver. When we got there we ate until our turn which takes 30min me Ivan and sam joked around then people got out and we hopped in it took me a little longer because I couldn't find my goggles and I hadn’t had the same problem Ivan couldn’t find his but in the pool I found it but Ivan had not so he was goggleless. When we got in we went in our groups sam & josh were splashing each other like crazy fish. Then our teacher said “4 laps of streamline” josh groaned but that didn't stop me ,I went last but I zoomed ahead of josh like a rocket going to the moon! After a little bit we had to do 12 lengths josh said “*groan* this is stupidly stupid” we had to do 4 freestyle, 4 backstroke and 4 breastroke. When we finished we hopped out and sam got sick so he didn’t do all the lengths and nether did josh because he was to slow/tried I think. And the boys rushed to the bathroom to get changed because if all the boys get finished we get to go on the bus first and we won!

Tuesday 21 June 2016

I am Improving

I am improving at History like Greek history what are you?

Whareoa Farm

Whareoa Farm Recount

On the 17th, room 18 and 6 drove down by bus to Whareoa Farm for our science topic (water.) I sat next to Ivan we chatted all the way there. When we got there we got in groups I was with Ivan,Jackson,Josh, Stase,Nathan and Luc (go check there blog for there side of the story below). Our group was B we had to see how healthy the catchment is. we had half a container and a bug chart.

We got instructions to catch bugs in the catchment and on the chart it tells how certain bugs are good and whats bad for the catchment using numbers 4 is the best and 1 is the worst. Me and Ivan only caught Mayflies which was a 4 because its the only thing we caught! They look like mini beetles mixed with a fly. Then we changed subject and walked up a hill and learnt about camp Mackay. Camp Mackay had over 4,650 NZ people! It is more than 82 years and a half years old and nearly 5,000 US Marines. After the we ate and played around, then we switched to Orienteering. We  had to find  numbers on peaces of wood sticking out of the ground and they had to find numbers and on every number there was a letter so its harder to cheat by guessing. I was with Ivan Jackson a and Luc we found the first 3 easy (easy enough anyway) then it got harder and harder. At  one stage we couldn't find any but it we finished really fast well that's what it felt like it anyway. Then we explored the forestry area.

We followed the path but then we got told to walk in through the catchment then we got out and learnt about fungi. Then we saw a dead cat some people got scared for life. Then we went back to the bus.

Today I learnt Greek god edition #7

Khione is the Greek goddess of snow, daughter of Boreas, god of the North Wind and Winter, and sister of Zethes and Calais(tell me in comments below who there are) . She is depicted as a goddess in the series, although in some myths she is visualized as a snow nymph.

Today I learnt Greek god edition #6

Hestia was the last to be yielded up, making her both the oldest and the youngest daughter. As the goddess of the hearth she personified the fire burning in the hearth of every home in Greece.

Today I learnt Greek god edition #5

Apollo was the son of Zues and Leto, twin brother of Artimis He was the god of music, and he is often depicted playing a golden lyre. He was also known as the Archer, far shooting with a silver bow; the god of healing, giving the science of medicine to man; the god of light; and the god of truth. One of Apollo most important daily tasks was to harness his four-horse chariot, in order to move the Sun across the sky

Wednesday 15 June 2016

What I'm improving at history

This I've week I'm learning more about history like I learnt the smartest man in America was Christopher Michael Langan and Greek gods such as Deinos (Dino god.)  and more so what are you learning? Post in the comments. =D

Sunday 12 June 2016

The ghost of genuis

(The present) John Ward Langan he lived in America and was ans esters from Christopher Lagan he was 16 at collage he wore a leather jacket, businessy shoes and blondish hair. He didn't care much about his grades and the only thing he cared about was a necklace which had a purple jewel in the middle and him self and always got 100% correct one every test.

 When he got asked a question like "94637 x 13264?" without thinking he would answer with a firm voice "1255265168". After school he didn't study for his finals which was tomorrow all he did was polish his necklace then stomping into his room it was his fat dreaded mum shouted "DO YOUR HOMEWORK" he replied "No" she got a slapper and slapped him hard and took away his necklace... On finals he walked to school without his necklace a collage girl asked him "hey smarty what's 4724362 x 51731934?" his jaw dropped "uhhhh" okay what "1x1?" "uh" she walked away with a grin she always studied and dreamed to became the smartest student and this was her day. He felt weak he walked home with water dripping down like a rainstorm off this face and opened the door dropped his report on the kitchen table.

 Later that day cops bashed down the door going after John's mum he opened his door and found cops saying "where is your Mum?" "why?" "shes been bad" as they were looking around they found the necklace a cop took it for fake "evidence" (he was just stealing it with a excuse.) One the way home the guy holding the necklace and dropped it and the jewel and a ghost came out is was so white it looked like bone. It was the ghost of Christopher lagan the smartest person in the world thats why he had amazing grades.

Today I learnt about Greek god #4

Today I learnt about Hera (Roman name: Juno), wife of Zeus and queen of the ancient Greek gods, represented the ideal woman and was goddess of marriage and the family. However, she was perhaps most famous for her jealous and vengeful nature, principally aimed against the lovers of her husband and their illegitimate off sprin.

Today I learnt about Greek gods #3

Today I learnt In Greek mythology, Hades the god of the underworld, was a son of the Titans Cronus and Rhea. He had three sisters, Demeter, Hestia, and Hera, as well as two brothers, Zeus, the youngest of the three, and Poseidon.

Today I learnt about Greek gods #2

Today I learnt I learnt about Athena, the goddess of wisdom and military victory, and also the patron of the city of Athens, was Hercules' half-sister. Her parents were Zeus and Metis.

Today I learnt Greek gods edition #1

Today I learnt about some Greek gods (some will be in different posts) like Artemis and she was the goddess of chastity, virginity, the hunt, the moon, and the natural environment. She was the daughter of Zeus and Leto, twin sister of Apollo.

Thursday 9 June 2016

edmodo task and this is my frog that I drew =D

reading avcitvity

Today I learnt that the Wahaika is a Maori weapon he some facts about it literally means “mouth of the fish”  Traditionally made from whalebone and wood, the wooden ones have a far more intricately carved surface. The Wahaika have a concave back and a peculiar carved notch on the back edge. Many are carved on the reke, or butt and significant numbers also had small human figures above the handle. They were not only used in battle but often in ceremony and speech making where Rangitira accentuated delivery of particular points. Primarily used in close in fighting Wahaika were used in a thrusting motion rather than smashing down like a club. The favoured strike was made with the sharpened leading edge.

Today I learnt about gremany

Today I learnt around the time of WWII USA,English,Russia all owned apart of Berlin Germany's capital city back then and Russia had the east and the rest had west side and they built walls around and in the west was more free in the walls and planes dropped in supply's and people tried to get in and failed or made it in by crane, tunnels and more.