Tuesday 15 November 2016

Reading activity

Today I'm going be doing a reading activity for the book “how to speak zombie” By Steve Mockus and Illustrated by Travis Millard! Please enjoy!

This book tell you how to speak zombie is a goofy, funny language. Awesomely spitting up to different categories like words you might at the mall too what you would say at the beach. Personally the most exciting thing about this is book is that it's got voice recordings on the side so it might say hi means “ugghahfhuuu” and press it on the numbers on the side and it says what in zombie language is hi!

I think how to speak zombie is a cool little child book That is one the best and most diverse of
many other books I’ve read I rate this book 7/10 (for what is!) and 5+!

1 comment:

  1. cool work mack nothing rong with it so good work
