Monday 21 November 2016

Blue, water moving with the stream
Blue like the sky with no clouds
Blue like frost falling down
Blue like the NZ flag waving with glory
Blue like this blog background (kinda)
Blue is awesome๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜ผ๐Ÿ˜บ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


Green like leaves on a tree like people on earth
Green like the corrosive gas 
Green like little lizards scampering around
Green like dinosaurs eating there way to the top
Green like composting
Green is awesome๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜“

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Reading activity

Today I'm going be doing a reading activity for the book “how to speak zombie” By Steve Mockus and Illustrated by Travis Millard! Please enjoy!

This book tell you how to speak zombie is a goofy, funny language. Awesomely spitting up to different categories like words you might at the mall too what you would say at the beach. Personally the most exciting thing about this is book is that it's got voice recordings on the side so it might say hi means “ugghahfhuuu” and press it on the numbers on the side and it says what in zombie language is hi!

I think how to speak zombie is a cool little child book That is one the best and most diverse of
many other books I’ve read I rate this book 7/10 (for what is!) and 5+!

Sunday 13 November 2016

Earthquake intro =D

"In 14th of November early in the morning, around 1:30 a earthquake hit and it was 7.5 magnitude , 20 kilometres north of Hanmer Springs It was pretty bad for some people. It had casualties of 2 people dead and building topply over" said a firm voice of a radio man. (going over to Luc, some person who felt the earthquake)
“My family and I suffered severe Casualties including House breakdowns and Rolling out of beds,one Kid suffering brain bleeds.” said Luc and calling for wellington... “Wyatt what is your story?” said the radio man “Me and my family had to evacuate to Higher Ground to make sure there's no casualties. wait is this thing even on?”
5 minutes later “Coming in ,quickly evacuate if you're near the Waterside there may be a tsunami “  Now turning to a local farmer,  Ivan so tell us your story” “Well we evacuated because I actually really was scared about the earthquake and it was wasn’t fun if you put it this way. And I'm actually glad all the animals Are safe and not got besides 2 people hurt”
This is a brief recap of what's happening.

But this is just a simple earthquake and we will repair All of the damage that has happened To Christchurch and Wellington But if anything happens like this again be safe and be cautious! And there was no Tsunami but stay away beaches.

Get Ready Get thru Be safe NZ there tsunami warnings for the east coast of all of NZ and wellington has a warning

This is a minor setback we will be safe

By Mack,Wyatt and Luc (Briefly)!

Thursday 10 November 2016

How rainbows are made (Myths and Legends)

Once have you wondered how the rainbow came to be! Once in a tribe they had every item and every clothing grey and dull colors and a little girl in the tribe did not like the fact her home was so BORING. So she set off on a journey to lighten up the tribe and set of to the “land of the gods” (It’s a place where some gods slumber.)

Eventually she found a cave with gleaming colors coming out so she ran in hoping to find what she wanted. And she found the god of beauty with mirror admiring her when the girl waked in the cave she angered 2 gods, the god of light and the god of earth. They were FURIOUS and they followed little foot step to the cave thinking that it was her doing and weren't happy. The earth god made the earth god around the beauty god up to her face causing her mirror on the floor.

Then after that every once and the light god shined light on mirror and rebound of her face projecting colors into the sky and that's how rainbows are made!