Monday 31 October 2016

How lizards came to be!

Have you ever seen tiny lizards scampering rock to rock with little fork like tongues sticking out and wonder how did this come to be? Well this is how!

Before man there were dragons all shapes and sizes like walking mountains too ants. And like every creature they get hungry and they didn't care what they ate as long as there full and the only creature they saw her dragons like them and 1 dragon was starving and went rogue and started eating they dragon's tiny dragons wings because he couldn't catch them.But the bigger ones fought the massive giants fought and died out leaving only tiny wingless creatures scampering around. Gleaming in sunny waste land of a planet eventually humans populated the earth making it suitable for them to live again!

Wednesday 26 October 2016

For today’s writing I used a sentence starter which has got random ideas!

Sharks belong in the middle of the ocean not in the middle of a Kelly Tarltons! Me and my family went to the Kelly Tarltons … but then I saw sharks use their TAILS to walk around starting up close on the window to the penguin enclosure!

Everyone ran out screaming “RUN,RUN FOR YOUR LIVES.” But our family thought its was a costume and we stood right next the sharks and my mum had a CONVERSATION with the shark. I was just ignoring hoping it was a dream but of course knowing my luck it wasn't… Then I heard a rumbling and it was the sharks! And startled my sister and cut her finger and blood was dripping and the shark held her finger up to light to see a good look at the nasty cut. GULP and a blood dripped into the shark throat and he went savage,wild.

We just ran and ran then my mum got her purse and WHAM it hit the shark in the face with the purse. And that gave us enough time to get out alive!

EVEN more Myths and ledgends

When most people boat to Kapiti Island, most people wonder how Kapiti came to be today, I will tell you.

Back before god knows when there were giants and in this particular story 2 called Owihag and Owfihag that's in giant language but in English its Mack and Josh. They would get angry because they had to go to school and depending on how angry they were is how much of New Zealand they would rip of then throw into the sea, which started to slowly pile up and eventually made Kapiti island and one day they stormed into the water to get a fish. They found all the land that they threw and they sore it saw there on island so they took trees and animals and put it on the island to make it more homely. One day people was catching fish in a net and sore the island so they went home and tolled everyone and then all of New Zealand new about it some people even decided to live on it and build houses. After a while two people decided to make a ferry and let people go on it for twenty dollars and they would take them to the brand new Kapiti Island. On that grand island and if you dig deep enough you would probably find whale sized giant bones, some shattered but there home still stands today! With even better features!

By Me and help of Joshua T!!!

Tuesday 18 October 2016

More Myths and Legends

Have you ever look at the sky in a rainy, stormy day and wonder “How is rain, well… RAIN” and this is why. Along time ago the Greek god, Boreas was controller of wind and winter and he meet Poseidon and was EXTREMELY jealous of how he was more well known by the Greek and that the great Boreas just practically pushed aside.

Eventually he had enough of the Greek's and what thought how Poseidon better and attacked Rome destroying whatever he wanted and threw a building so far it hit Poseidon in his deep sleep, he was furious and looked like steam was nearly coming out of his ears. They fought with mighty blows and HUGE waves were coming in on Rome and Boreas was so mad he fought for weeks and blow so much water in the air and made rain later on further in the ages.  Because what goes up must come down. Eventually someone was gonna win and Poseidon struck him down killing him and his remains evaporating making the clouds!

And that's how rain was made (if your wonder the gods in the story is true! In mythology of course)

Monday 17 October 2016


Some people wonder how we got sand and ill tell you the story… Once in a far away land dragons with all shapes and sizes and different colours gleaming of there wings, fought and burnt the others making ash and to the untrained eye it looks like powdery yellow. And there we’res dragons MASSIVE bigger than some oceans and all dragons fought and remains of the colourful demon dragons was laid out everywhere. Eventually super natural disasters occurred and they died out. If you're lucky you might find a egg if you walk were no man walked before!

Sunday 9 October 2016

10.10.16                        School Holidays

This is a story about what we did during holidays and no I didn't go anywhere and no I didn't travel and it was the best thing ever. Okay you got me that wasn't the truth it really was average.

Okay day 1, Our family went for a walk to the beach and when we strolled back I saw,heard a cat getting hit by a car, Don't worry it didn’t go under the wheel just skimmed it… My  Mum quickly picked up the cat with her jacket of the road and placed  her on the neighbours front yard and got the SPCA to came take her. I felt TERRIBLE for the cat because it had gotten lots of pressure behind its eye before so it lost its ability to see with 1 eye that's why it got hit in the first place. Day 6 we visited my grandad it was okay. Day 10 (I pretty sure anyway) My older sister Brenna had her baby named Ardena. Day 11 My mums Friends stays the night for the rest of the holidays. Day 12 see Ardena. That was most of my holidays!!

Thats what happened during the holidays, now I will rate each day out of ten!
Day 1-3  3/10          Day 4-7  5/10           Day 8-11  7/10             Day 12-14  6.5/10!!!!!!