Monday 4 April 2016

A tale of two tales
In the rain there were two cats which had been walking searching for food and a daughter came out of a house taking out the trash then noticed us. She dropped her rubbish bag and picked us up. After a few minutes we were next to a fire place with a warm golden glow then we slept when we woke up we had these weird necklace things which were warm. 1 year later… “CINNAMON ,ROCKET” shouted mum we ran as we had stolen her packet of mince out of the fridge. we were on the run! We jumped between her legs then zoomed across the room and we pounced up the stairs with our agile bodies. Then we jumped on top of a cabinet and dug in. By the way I’m cinnamon and I meowed “your pretty fur-ious.”. That night me and rocket were bored outside we went to the door but they locked the cat flap so we climbed up our pohutukawa tree instead of the usual because last time that happened the neighbors dog woke up and it wasen't pretty...

This is me cinnamon and this is my brother rocket

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