Thursday 3 March 2016


One day in the pacifistic ocean, there was a pirate ship which was a treasure ship named Hugo's nightmare are which was named after Hugo Tredder the noble captain/creature of the ship was named Hugo. The new captain was Ivan Fernandez a Spanish warrior then became keeper of the ship in order of Elzibeth the first. The Hugo's nightmare contained 85 men armed and ready. One day they were nearly out of food they saw a ilanad and set sail they arrived and Ivan ordered 40 men too stay fishing so they took some digngy out of the ship and dropped them out into the sea then people swam to them to fish. The others went in a forestry part to look for food above "AHHH" as Ivan turned around and follows the voice then he recognised that voice it was one of his men he saw fire then hid behind a tree he looked over his shoulder and saw spears and daggers in him over a cooking line! and scavengers (crazed people) around the line and shouted and danced.He slowly creeped back and bumped into a buff scavenger he pulled his musket and cutlass and he shot BANG as the sounds ringed in his ears the scavenger fell to the ground with a THUMP and Ivan ran... when he got to the boat every one was back and Ivan shouted "GET TO THE CANNONS" then as he said that a spear whissed past his ear and hit someone in the leg one guy on deck shot a cannon which hit mutilpe men with a gross squashing sound then people got in the ship "lets set sail to ANYWHERE but here" shouted Ivan. after a little bit they saw blood on top of the water then someone who ate a rotten, posined mango then became crazy and shot Ivan in the foot and started banging his head on the side of the ship then a mate pushed him of the edge and brought someone else down with him. They layed Ivan down and gave him medicine and patched up the wounds. After they caught up in a wavy section and the water growled and gurgled SPLOSH as a huge wave crashed into the ship and flooded one whole floor and killed many and some loot washed away. They turned the ship around but a lightning storm was over there head's and thunder came crashing down and hit a man directly and went through him and made a hole right through the ship top to bottom making water leak in. Then more thunder striked again and hit a cannon and the person who was using it at the time got an electric shock and got knocked out. They got a strong push from a wave and pushed them around the top deck and made them go straight out of thunder storm. They crashed on a nerby land and made camps up.

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