Tuesday 23 February 2016

Tennis ball life

23.2.16  the Life of a tennis ball

Hi! i'm a tennis ball welcome to my life I've got friends one of them is Leo he's a tennis ball like me we in the dreadful place called the court that's what the stupid giants say at least. We have to hide in the shadows, leaves and the lost property stuff other wise a racket will get you and torture anyone. One day I was feed up with enough I rolled out into the open with rage boiling in my head after a while I was puffed out and I looked back and realized I was a quarter of way to the door in the open. I heard a squawking sounds and things swirling around me then a seagull picks me up  and I hear gurgling and gross sounds coming from its belly I get an idea I swing my self in the creatures claws and I POW I slip out of the claws and hit the birds in its stomach I bounce off and I see the bird spinning out control and “bong” as I hit the ground I was amazed I'm alive! I landed on a roof which had a bouncy padding. THE END!

1 comment:

  1. hello mack the story that you have rote is good
    but try to right smaller next time try 11 as your font
    life as a tennis ball is cool what is the tennis balls name........
